- Mission Statement and the Purpose of this Website
- A letter to all who visit this website
- The Almighty Father in the New Testament – ‘surpassingly great revelations’
- If Yahshua was the Father manifested in flesh – why did He pray?
- The Almighty Father is our Savior and His name is Yahshua
- Pamphlet – People call Him ‘God’ because they do not know His name
- Pamphlet – Why ‘Jesus’ and ‘Yeshua’ are not the Saviors name
- According to the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ it is not possible for Yahshua Messiah to be ‘I AM’
- Believer – You are forever perfect in Yahshua’s eyes
- Is The Almighty Father the Savior?
- The ‘Son of God’ – The invisible Father became our visible MessiYah
- You must believe the Father is your Savior or you will die in your sins
- Protestants – This is why you are a Trinitarian
- Why I don’t attend a Trinitarian church
- Pamphlet – Why I don’t attend a Trinitarian church
- Pamphlet – The ‘Son of God’ – The invisible Father became our visible MessiYah
- ‘One’ believers and ‘Trinitarian’ believers – What is the difference?
- Why I call Him Yahshua
- The Dual Nature of Yahshua MessiYah
- The Almighty Father is the only Great God
- Yahshua tells us nine times He is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Yahshua or Yeshua?
- Believer – You are perfect in Yahshua’s eyes
- The Old Testament was written for The Almighty Father come manifested in flesh
- The Almighty Father versus The Trinity Doctrine
- In the Old Testament someone teaching The Almighty is ‘three persons’ would have been put to death
- Pamphlet – Yahshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Let us make man – Genesis 1-26
- Many Believers have these sincere and important questions
- The Exclusive Titles of The Almighty Father in the Old Testament are given to Yahshua MessiYah in the New Testament
- Salvation, Righteousness and the Forgiveness of sin – in one minute
- Pamphlet – You must believe the Father is your Savior or you will die in your sins
- YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA – are names of The Almighty Father
- Pamphlet – The true meaning of ‘Let us make man’ – Genesis 1-26
- Yahshua is NOT God Jr. – Yahshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Believers – Be assured YAHshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Is the Almighty Father the Savior?
- Believer – Please don’t worship and pray to three persons
- The ‘Son of God’ – The invisible Father became our visible MessiYah
- Why I believe Yahshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Why I call Him Yahshua
- Most Protestant churches do not realize the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ they embrace comes directly from the Catholic church
- Pamphlet – The Dual Nature of Yahshua MessiYah
- Believer, you are now Yahshua’s Temple on earth!
- Believers – Be assured Yahshua is the Father Manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Yahshua is the Almighty Father of the Old Testament manifested in flesh
- The Almighty Father is the ‘I AM’ – King – Shepherd and Savior
- Baptism in the Bible versus the Trinity Doctrine
- Yahshua said, ‘the true worshipers will worship the Father’
- There is one God, the Father – Do you agree?
- Biblical monotheism versus Trinitarian monotheism
- We pray to The Father in Yahshua’s name because Yahshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Paul knew Yahshua MessiYah was YAH manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Why we are failing to provoke Jewish people to jealousy
- Your word above all your name – What is Psalm 138-2 really saying?
- Believers – What Satan doesn’t want you to know
- Pamphlet – The Almighty Father is the only ‘I AM’
- Pamphlet – Paul knew YAHshua MessiYah was YAH manifested in flesh
- Who do men say that I am?
- The Early Church Was Not Trinitarian
- The Almighty Father is the only ‘I AM’
- Why ‘Yahshua’ is the name above every name!
- Pamphlet – YAH-shua is YAH
- Pamphlet – The Almighty Father is the ‘I AM’ – King – Shepherd and Savior
- Why the ‘Trinity Diagram’ is Unscriptural
- Pamphlet – The exclusive titles of The Almighty Father are bestowed on Yahshua MessiYah in the New Testament
- Pamphlet – Is the Almighty Father the Savior?
- Pamphlet – We pray to The Father in Yahshua’s name because Yahshua is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Granville Sharp’s Rule
- The Almighty Father was not a spectator at the crucifixion
- The ‘Son of God’ is The Father in flesh
- Pamphlet – Yahshua said, The true worshipers will worship the Father
- YAHSHUA is the name of the Father
- Yahshua is the Almighty Father of the Old Testament manifested in flesh
- Pamphlet – Protestants – This is why you are a Trinitarian
- Pamphlet – YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA – What do these names mean?
- 28 Scriptures that show Yahshua is the Almighty Father!
- Pamphlet – Yahshua is NOT God Jr. – Yahshua is The Almighty Father Manifested in Flesh
- Pamphlet – Yahshua or Yeshua?
- The Almighty Father is our Savior – in 3 verses
- Pamphlet – Why a Believer should never claim to be a Trinitarian
- Sanctified – Have we been?… or will we be?
- The Almighty Father’s name is found on almost every page of the New Testament!
- What Believers should know about The Law
- Pamphlet – The Almighty Father is our Savior and His name is Yahshua
- What I believe
- Pamphlet – Many Believer’s have these sincere and important questions
- Pamphlet – There is only one King in the ‘Kingdom of God’ – The Almighty Father
- Scriptures Trinitarians Use – Correctly Explained
- Moses wrote about Yahweh
- Why the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ is Damaging to Believers!
- Pamphlet – Yahshua tells us nine times He is The Almighty Father manifested in flesh
- Why ‘Jesus’ and ‘Yeshua’ are not the Saviors name
- The invisible Father in the Old Testament became a visible man in the New Testament
- Are you saved? If you die tonight are you going to Heaven?